Author: Judy Darley
Judy Darley is a British author whose short stories, flash fiction and poems have been published in magazines and anthologies in the UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand, including The Mechanics' Institute Review, Unthology 8 and SmokeLong Quarterly. Judy was a judge of National Flash Fiction Day’s Micro Fiction Competition. She has shared her work on BBC radio, in pubs, caves, an artist’s studio and a disused church, as well as at literary festivals and charity events. Her writing often centres around the fallibilities of the human mind, and is growing increasingly obsessed with dreaming up and writing original twisted fairytales. Judy’s second short fiction collection, Sky Light Rain, is out now from Valley Press. Her debut short story collection Remember Me to the Bees was published in 2013. She is working on a novel. Judy publishes weekly writing prompts at her culture blog Find Judy on Twitter @JudyDarley